How Much Can the Human Psyche Take?
I know a good part of Iowa is struggling. I know rural areas have damage.
Cedar Rapids is the second largest city in Iowa and many of us still do not have power. Those of us fortunate enough to have generators are ok, but coping with downed trees, trees pulled up from their roots on top of houses, and a shit-ton of debris removal. So many of us don't have generators. Street lights aren't working. Many stores and businesses are still closed. Cellular services are spotty. After requiring cashless payments due to the virus, business can now only accept cash or checks. Many ATMs aren't working and banks are closed due to power outages. No food, no fans, its 85 degrees.
Mentally, many of us are not ok. We've been dealing with skyrocketing virus cases in Linn county. I started coughing last night. Although I'm pretty sure its allergies and dust from moving dead tree branches and leaves, it's still an uneasy feeling. Our patience is rice paper thin. Traffic lights are out all over town. Getting to the hardware store yesterday was like a Mad Max movie. Some people are being courteous. Others, excuse the language, are all out of fucks to give. We've had friends and family sick from the virus. Some have died. Many of us are trying to protect ourselves and others. Some still think its "not that bad". Parents are facing the decision of sending kids to school amid a pandemic. Also knowing the detriment of kids not being in school. So called leaders have failed us.
We will get through this. Cedar Rapids has survived 100 year flooding. Neighbors are pulling together to clear streets. On Monday, one of our huge trees came down, fortunately over the street not on the house. It was blocking the street and our driveway. There was no way we could've cleared it on our own. I was worried about emergency access to older neighbors, including my 93 year old mom. Our chainsaw wasn't working. Neighbors brought their chainsaws, saws, axes, and slowly but surely the street was cleared.
We pull together, but damnit it's still hard. We're struggling with what 2020 has brought us so far. The human psyche can only take so much. Cedar Rapids has a population of over 133,000. We need help. We need support. They say tough times make one stronger. It can also take every bit of hope and patience some of us have.